By The People's Chemist
“Get ready for a major push for antidepressants in 2019! An estimated 1 in 8 people are currently medicated for “depression” — and Big Pharma’s goal is to bump this number up to 1 in 5! Don’t let their sinister agenda ambush you.
The pharmaceutical pipeline is locked and loaded with a slew of meds that will be pushed as “innovative” and “ground-breaking” for the depressed. But research shows the ominous truth about these meds.
Years ago when I worked for the drug giant Eli Lilly as a young chemist, Prozac (fluoxetine) was being marketed as a “happy pill.” The company developed it in the 1970s. Newsweek hailed it as “a breakthrough drug for depression.” Sales raked in enough profit to solve world hunger for a hundred years.
I thought it was ridiculous. “Breakthrough” for depression?
“Will it be better than Mountain Dew and oatmeal cream pies when it comes to taking the edge off a depressing day?” I wondered. “What about beer or wine?”
Would it beat a thickly rolled joint from a Volkswagen-loving hippie? What about party drugs? My college roommates were pretty happy on those. Nobody called ’em a “breakthrough,” just awesome.
Why would humans need antidepressants?
There’s no question that major depression brings suffering. It can make life feel unbearable — crippling willpower, productivity, and responsibility. It can cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, decreased appetite, and pain.
But are prescription drugs really the answer to this problem?
Fortunately, I never had to try antidepressants to know they wouldn’t help. In-house studies proved they didn’t work. And the animals being medicated in the studies became aggressive and aggravated while on the meds…Astute doctors have followed the research trail.

In the book Your Drug May Be Your Problem, Harvard trained psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin showed that antidepressants worked no better than dummy pills in clinical trials. To his dismay, he also discovered that they can CAUSE the very thing they’re supposed to cure! — by pushing depressed people further over the edge, leading to violence and suicide.
Marcia Angell, former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, wrote that, “After decades trying to prove [the chemical imbalance theory], researchers have still come up empty-handed.”
A landmark review published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that, in many cases, antidepressants are no better than placebos at halting depression. Those results were duplicated the following year.
Harvard scientists concluded through their own studies that “the difference between the effect of a placebo and the effect of an antidepressant is minimal for most people.”
In response, Big Pharma buried these detrimental findings. Worse, they unleashed an avalanche of false advertising that made antidepressants seem amazing — similar to how the tobacco industry made cigarettes seem cool. This marketing triumph was well documented in David Healy’s book, Let Them Eat Prozac: The Unhealthy Relationship Between the Pharmaceutical Industry and Depression.
Yet astonishingly, antidepressant sales are still soaring today.
Since the theory of depression is false, using it to diagnose and medicate an emotion with antidepressants is an atrocity.
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts and behavior — worsening depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, aggression, psychotic episodes, and violence.
Physical side effects include abnormal bleeding, birth defects, heart attack, seizures, and sudden death. Over 170 drug regulatory warnings and studies have been issued on antidepressants to sound the alarm on these risks.
So, what’s the alternative to treating depression with meds?
Consider the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who suffered from severe bouts of depression. His mood swings led to capricious cruelty. Without any real way to diagnose his mental state, the doctors of his day said he was “possessed by evil spirits.”
Unfortunately, not much has changed in the last two thousand years. The modern medical community still looks at the depressed brain as being the result of invisible chemical threats that requires a barrage of “breakthrough” meds to combat them.
This is the “the old view.” And it’s putting depressed people at greater risk.
Instead of blaming evil spirits, today psychiatry blames neurotransmitters, which nobody can see or accurately measure — so it’s impossible to define what is considered “normal.”
Unlike the disease of Type II diabetes, where muscles fail to respond to rising insulin levels and blood sugar shoots sky high, depression lacks a clear cause. There’s no blood test or medical exam to diagnose it. This makes it hard to treat. If you don’t know the enemy, how can you fight the war? After all, emotions are not diseases.
But this shouldn’t detract from the suffering depression brings. Headaches, air sickness, and even being homesick or having a “broken heart” lack reliable blood tests to validate that they’re real. But we know they’re real. They have physical outcomes than can make life unbearable.
Regardless of any blood test, depression cripples our ability to live fully in the moment. Therefore, we should seek a remedy. But meds aren’t the answer.
As we build a new theory and treatment, we must look at depression differently. We must consider the outcomes of antidepressant use over the last few decades. The “new” view sees “the war within” not as a disease, but as emotional instability precipitated by malnutrition and the use of medications, drugs, and alcohol use.
In plain English: not eating well, depriving your body of key nutrients and taking too many meds causes a person to be depressed.
When depleted, the brain lacks the ability to:
- Focus
- Manage mood and proper behavior
- Activate the growth of new nerve cells
These three biological activities guide our rationale, thinking, and mood. When we’re confronted by initiators of stress, this biological trio suffers. Just as a muscle fails when it lacks electrolytes, a malnourished mind and body are ill-equipped for elevating mood.
Thanks to Mother Nature, there’s a potential fix…
Scientists have discovered that a rare mineral may help curb malnutrition and therefore, emotional instability. Serving as nature’s most effective nutrient booster, observational studies show that this non-toxic mineral lowers depressive outcomes much better than drugs as measured by behavioral habits among those who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, and even suicidal thoughts. Essential for brain function, it’s the go-to nutrient for optimal mood, energy and brain health!
To learn how best to use this non-toxic mineral as an alternative to prescription antidepressants, read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded (available at www.BestCureBook.com) Get your emotions back and ditch the meds in a matter of weeks!